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Certificate Distribution

All the successful candidates of Kisan Soochna Kendra Course & Mini Bank Course can now Collect from Bhopal Office.

Training Of Forest Sponsored Candidates.

Kisan Soochna Kendra Operators have been initiated for all Forest Kisan Soochna Kendras at Bhopal and all Eco centers of Forest Department

Financial Inclusion Program Launched By Union Minster Shri Prakash Javrekar

Skill Programs of Jaikisan Institute has been Launched By Union Minster of Forest & Environment Shri Prakash Javrekar from Command room , 74 Banglow , Bhopal , Madhya Pradesh .

SBI Chotta ATM & Jaikisan Mini Bank made a cash-out of Rs. 100 for The Minster and also for one beneficiary of Forest Department wages deposited in central Bank  from Budini Block , Sehore District.

Jobs in Israel for Construction workers


Mission & Vission

Taking IT to villages

Kisan Soochna Kendra is an ICT initiative of Jaikisan.org, ,a self sustaining project  , an Organization for Joint Agriculture Information and Knowledge Implementation with Systematic Advanced Network, actively engaged in creating employment in rural areas and developing entrepreneurship in Rural India since the year 2000. In 2005 Under a memorandum of understanding with the government of Uttarakhand (GoUK), Jaikisan.org was entrusted to implement Kisan Soochna Kendra (multi purpose business hubs) in the villages of Uttarakhand and with the partnership of Department of Post (post Office ) jaikisan enabled 3000 KSKs in record time. 

This rural infrastructure project on information technology initiated with GoUK has now expanded to other states like Harayana, Punjab, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, Orrisa, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir etc in 24 states of India.

Kisan Soochna Kendra is a village hub connected to each other with the help of Public Information Booths (PIBs- network of computers , laptops , Tablet PCs). It is an information Superhighway infrastructure for rural development initiative. A super-mall enabling buying and selling  services and products on talking websites. It is a live shop 24 hours to cater clients with remotest rural locations.

Jaikisan.org is a free information provider from its technology of Talking Websites and call centers and using this as a tool, access of information is utilized to generate economic non farm activity hence creating employability in rural areas. 

Features of Kisan Soochna Kendra:


  • Jai kisan vyapaar kendra
  • Jai kisan khan pan (food)
  • Jai kisan rest house network
  • Jai kisan television network
  • Jai kisan fm radio network
  • Jai kisan theatre for training and entertainment.


This is a self sustaining infrastructure project as a network any business added to this rural business center has a revenue plan that supports all the partners involved. Typically one Kisan Soochna Kendra reaches a turnover of 10,000 -15,000 in first year and then 25,000 to 30,000 next two years. Kisan Soochna Kendra

Adding Financial Inclusion model of Mini Bank ,Insurance & Pension on Kisan Soochna Kendra it adds Rs 4,000 additional fixed income for the center.

Jaikisan is a network of 50,000 KSKs ,400 mini banks  and 1 crore Jaikisan card members in last 12 years . Micro credit is provided against purchase of crop and hence Jaikisan supported loans are without any NPA to funding Individuals and agencies.

Jaikisan propagates formal non farm income resources and hence projects promoted are registered with Khadi commission or Director of Industry as SSI  . Being a small scale industry project, this is financed by banks and subsidized by Jaikisan. org as a policy. It is a business identity with service tax, income tax , value added tax etc. Network is owned by a partnership of Jaikisan.org and entrepreneur from the local village. This model of Jaikisan. org is widely accepted by the society as profit generator with social benefits,. Practically a Kisan Soochna Kendra self employs 60 to 600 villagers in business activities .

Social and Economic Benefits

Kisan Soochna Kendra is an IT solution with which connectivity with all the villages can be established in record time.

Kisan (Farmers) and Village Gets:

  • Access to all government schemes for kisan in his native language.
  • Access to new technologies and products in his native language.
  • Access to Financial Inclusion – banking ,Loans ,insurance & Pension..
  • Access to communication and connectivity to agriculture research and development from Indian as well as abroad in his native language.
  • Access to markets, mandis for sales of its produce.
  • Sales of crop at better terms and prices.
  • Contract farming monitoring and support.
  • New crops technologies (introduction and training.)
  • Jobs to natives and business opportunities to rural entrepreneurs. (every kiosk creates jobs with and business in education, health, trading, banking and technical skills for entire community in the village).
  • Industry enters rural areas because of kiosk connectivity through internet - e-Banking, e-Education and e-Communication.
  • Employment is generated for thousands in technical call centers for kisan in each state and every language of india.
  • Enterprise resource planning of societies and cooperatives. This means more transparency of the operations of government and people participation.
  • Faster availability of information about the organization.

Above all Kisan Soochna Kendra proves to be a ready infrastructure for business to be conducted  in the areas where physical Infrastructure loads , trains & air travel is difficult or unviable.

This ICT project as employment generators has been accepted by Uttarakhand Government / MADHYA PRADESH / Haryana and is a readily available to give benefits to entire India..


Correspondence Education
Computer Education
Paramedical Education
Technical Education
Vocational Education
Primary School
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